A project where I can muse about absurd things that keep me going back up the mountain.

True Knowledge

True Knowledge

“With the exception of professional rationalists, today people despair of true knowledge.” ― Albert Camus, “Absurdity and Suicide” in The Myth of Sisyphus, Justin O’Brien Translation, Knopf 1955

In light of the current political situation, ongoing debates about climate change and so many other topics, it seems that there’s an expanding conflict between rational thinkers and the rest of the population. But even though it feels like this is new or amplified in recent years, we can see that even back when Camus was writing, these attitudes were around. Just as each generation laments the loss of their superior knowledge to the ignorant successors, or new technologies as rotting the mind (references on this later), such as radio, television, video games or the internet, these trends have always been. No doubt this will continue, as an Absurdist don’t despair knowledge, embrace it and learn, but remember that there are “truths but no truths” stick with facts and science, Morty.

Come Watch

Come Watch

Profound Meaning

Profound Meaning