A project where I can muse about absurd things that keep me going back up the mountain.

Algorithmic Measuring

Algorithmic Measuring

“It’s a collection of neural nets and heuristic algorithms.”

-Riker, referencing Data in s2e9 Star Trek the Next Generation, “Measure of a Man”

Star Trek and the Absurd?

Well, this is a tough one. Looking for clear Absurdist content from Star Trek requires some sifting. It certainly has absurd content, meaning random, chaotic, or silly nonsense. But from an Absurdist standpoint it’s a bit tougher. Here’s someone’s take on the first part:


Here’s a list of “philosophical” Star Trek Episodes:


Now, there’s also been a LOT written on Star Trek and Philosophy. I’ll link up some books here at the end if you haven’t already seen them everywhere.

What did come to mind were some of the Next Generation episodes that were heavy on Data’s origin or his “humanness.” In particular comes to mind the episode from season 2 episode 9 “Measure of a Man” episode.

In this episode they’re discussion taking Data apart to replicate him, which can possibly destroy him. So they do what anyone would do, let him stand trial. It’s a little reminiscent of trials we’ve had to have unfortunately about all too many things, like animal and human rights. Here’s some episode summaries:




The full quote from Riker, referenced in this excellent article about the episode:


“Its purpose: to serve human needs and interests. It’s a collection of neural nets and heuristic algorithms. Written by a man, its hardware built by a man. And now… and now a man will shut it off”. — Riker

What does this all have to do with Absurdism? Well, I like to use the phrase, “sentient bags of meat” a common take on similar phrasing from a number of shows or books (Futurama, Thomas Ligotti, True Detective). Which often comes across as nihilistic, but I think it’s an important step to recognize in the pathway of becoming an Absurdist. It’s also valuable when thinking about animals or androids. As we learn more, or rather, learn how little we know about consciousness or sentience, it’s still just due to our lack of knowledge. Our inability in how to read the software, opposed to there being a magical property. Advanced technology seeming like magic trope, blah blah…. Leaving behind intelligent design, creationism, is important to free oneself from the idea that one is special and has purpose. Lately, as we get better at narrowing genetic traits, we can see more of our programming is indeed hard-wired (see Blueprint by Robert Plomin) or go back to the Harari books, selfish gene arguments and countless others on human evolution and biological drive. Not to mention how easily we are influenced by subconscious or conscious queues and placebos (Drunk Tank Pink, Adam Alter for example) or even the whole realms of manipulation through marketing and behavioral economics. This gets at some core issues of free will and human choice, but the more it seems we are just a bunch of biological genetic (redundant?) algorithms and bio-chemical neural networks are we really any better than Data or any other “living” thing or “thinking” machine?

  • DA

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